In the middle of April 2017 I accidentally tore a disk in my lower back. I experienced immense pain and a great amount of discomfort in my back and legs due to the bulging of the torn disk. I drank boxes of pain pills and anti-inflammatories to no avail. Six weeks after the incident my physiotherapist informed me that my back was getting worse and I should make an appointment with a specialist. It was around that time that I was introduced to Your Life. I drank a combination of Your Life Glucosamine, Vitamin Mineral and Herb and Cell Regenerator for a week and all of a sudden the pain and discomfort in my legs were less. After two weeks I experienced no pain and the swelling in my back was gone.I am a very active person with a physically demanding job. Your Life was my last desperate attempt before going to the dreaded specialist. I am absolutely amazed at how well Your Life worked for me and will continue to use it. I recommend it to anyone and everyone. It really is an amazing product!