Young Eve R200 120PV


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Young Eve is specially formulated to deal with the causes and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) resulting from nutritional deficiencies. It contains a combination of essential vitamins and minerals found to be lacking in women who suffer with PMS.

Young Eve also contains the Chinese herb Dong Quai which balances estrogen levels. Dong Quai has been used by the Chinese for centuries to treat the symptoms of PMS.

Young Eve has been found to ease menstrual cramps, irritability, heavy periods and other symptoms of PMS. It also regulates the menstrual cycle.

NOTE : This product should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Recommended Use:

1 to 2 Capsules per day with meals. For best results use continuously

Contents: 60 CAPSULES

Nomvula, Sebokeng
Nomvula, SebokengMenstrual Cramps
“Nomvula used to suffer from severe period pains and cramps. After one month on Young Eve there are no more pains and cramps and is more regular with no heavy bleeding.” 

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Jane Eksteen with her mom Friedel
Jane Eksteen with her mom FriedelPMS
Jane Eksteen has been suffering with severe period pains and cramps. These cramps are totally debilitating. Her parents took her to several doctors but nothing helped. She started with Young Eve 4 weeks ago and has no period pains since.Your Life Young Eve rocks and Tannie Tokkie is tops!!!!