Fibre with Probiotics R195 140PV


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Good health is all about the absorption of nutrients. Our digestive tracts are simply a delivery system for nutrients. Nutrients are digested, passed into the blood stream and distributed to the cells of the organs, muscles, sinews, and bones.

To maintain good health it is essential to eat sufficient fibre every day. Fibre in our digestive systems ensure the growth of good bacteria (Probiotics) . Probiotics digest proteins and form enzymes which are the building blocks of our bodies Probiotics also fight infection and prevent stomach bugs and cancer in the stomach and colon. Probiotics prevent an overgrowth of fungus that causes candida, one of the biggest culprits of yuppie flu.
Fibre also ensures regular bowel movements and prevents constipation.(Make sure you drink enough water)
Your Life Fibre with Probiotics provides the correct balance for a healthy digestive system. Each capsule contains the equivalent of one and a half fruit portions.
Key Ingredients:
– Apple Fibre
– Orange Fibre
– Probiotics

New – we have added Baobab Seed to our fibre for intestinal repair

Recommended Use:
Weight Loss, using anti-biotics, constipation – One capsule 3 times per day with a large glass of water.
Health Maintenance – 1 to 2 capsules in morning with a glass of water

Acid Reflux / indigestion – 1 capsule with each meal 3 times per day

Leaky Gut Syndrome associated with HIV/Aids – Use 1 tablet 3 times per day with meals amd use in conjunction with Fight It and Vitamin, Mineral and Herb

Contents: 90 Capsules

Retail Price: R175