Hair, Skin & Nail (Double Strength) R200 140PV


145 in stock (can be backordered)

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Contains specially combined vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino-acids and herbs to provide the body with the essential nutrients it needs for thicker, stronger hair, healthy strong nails and a glowing nourished skin. It helps with eczema, psoriasis, alopecia, soft and/or brittle nails, skin blemishes and problem skin.

Key Ingredients:

  • Echinacea heals skin wounds and fights bacteria.
  • Betasitosterol is a plant extract which helps to balance hormones.
  • Horsetail conditions hair, skin and nails, eliminates white spots from nails and controls oily skin.
  • L-cysteine & L-methiomine are essential amino acids known to clear up acne and ease skin problems.
  • Biotin is a coenzyme and a B vitamin essential  or a healthy skin, strong and thicker hair and nails.

Recommended Use:

One capsule three times per day with meals.


90 Capsules

Maida Chabula
Maida ChabulaHair Loss
I’m Maida Chabula from Zambia. I have been using the Hair, Skin & Nail for several months now and cannot believe how my hair has grown! I used to struggle to get my hair to grow and now in a short time the growth is amazing ! I was so worried I was going to lose all my hair, now ...
Alzira, Mthubtuba
Alzira, MthubtubaAdult Acne
“Alzira was troubled by adult acne for many years. She tried many products over the years, but nothing worked. She started with the YOUR LIFE Hair, Skin & Nail in September 2018 and within 3 weeks there was a marked improvement in her complexion.” 

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