The human body regenerates itself every second of every day. Every day, billions of cells die and new cells are
regenerated. The source of the building blocks of these new cells are the nutrients we eat daily.
FACT Every 5 days we have an entire new stomach lining
FACT Every 5 weeks we have an entire new skin covering
FACT Every 3 months we have an entire new skeleton
FACT Every 4 months we have an entire new blood supply
FACT Every year 98% of the cells in our bodies have been replaced
The quality of the nutrients we take in will to a large extent determine the quality of the cell that is regenerated.
CORE NUTRIENTS are the vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats that we need to take in daily to sustain our bodies. In short, balanced nutrition is vital to good health.
Chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, eye disease, diabetes, depression, hypertension, high cholesterol etc can all be linked to nutrient deficiencies and lifestyle factors such as stress. Your Life has developed a balanced nutritional range of products to address these.
Vitamin, Mineral and Herb provides all the nutrition the body needs on a daily basis in perfect balance.
Cell Regenerator provides targeted nutrition to detoxify the organs, condition the heart muscle, rid the body of toxins and
free radicals, build up cells and slow down the aging process.
Gingko Biloba addresses the lack of Potassium and Magnesium in diets, it helps cells absorb nutrients and get rid of waste more efficiently.
Fibre with Probiotics addresses the lack of fibre in our diets. This is essential for proper digestion.