LADY EVE is targeted towards nutritional deficiencies in menopausal women. It contains 13 vitamins and minerals and amino acids including the 3 enzymes found lacking in women going through the “change of life”.

Lady Eve balances estrogen production to eases and alleviate the symptoms of menopause such as depression, hot flashes, shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches and heart palpitations.

YOUNG EVE is specially formulated to deal with the causes and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) resulting from nutritional deficiencies. It contains a combination of essential vitamins and minerals found to be lacking in women who suffer with PMS.

HAPPY BONES is a specific formula targeted at maintaining a healthy bone structure. It has all the necessary nutrients for the proper absorption of calcium into the bones. It is essential for women to supplement with Calcium at various stages of their lives, especially at the onset of menstruation, pregnancy and lactation and pre and post menopause.

As we age we also lose bone density, this can be remedied by supplements. Your Life’s Happy Bones is the most comprehensive calcium supplement to be found.

Friedel Eksteen with her daughter Jane
Friedel Eksteen with her daughter JaneWeight Loss
Friedel Eksteen started with the Your Life Weight Loss programme and had this to say after just 11 days on the programme: “Ek het 2 kg verloor in 11 dae. Ek eet al drie etes maar voel nie heeltyd honger en lus vir tussenin eet nie. Ek het vir Hannes ook gegee hy is baie in sy skik voel baie ...

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Maida C, Zambia
Maida C, ZambiaMenopause
I started using Lady Eve after my success with Hair, Skin and Nail. I was suffering from the affects of menopause. I used to get terrible hot flashes, since taking Lady Eve the hot flashes are a story of the past. I don’t experience them at all. Thank you Your Life for the life changing products! - Maida Chabula, Zambia
Jane Eksteen with her mom Friedel
Jane Eksteen with her mom FriedelPMS
Jane Eksteen has been suffering with severe period pains and cramps. These cramps are totally debilitating. Her parents took her to several doctors but nothing helped. She started with Young Eve 4 weeks ago and has no period pains since.Your Life Young Eve rocks and Tannie Tokkie is tops!!!!
Joyce Namuhuja, Windhoek
Joyce Namuhuja, WindhoekHigh Blood Pressure and Stress
"I am a new person." Since 1986 I have been suffering from high blood pressure (Hypertension). I was treated by a specialist for many years and he told me I would be on medication for the rest of my life. My blood pressure was uncontrollable. Sometimes I had to be admitted to hospital. A friend of mine,Kitty, who is a member ...

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Marietjie B
Marietjie BMenopause
My name is Marietjie B from Hartswater in the Northern Cape. I started with Lady Eve in February 2017. I had reached the age of menopause and was getting extremely emotional all the time. My doctor suggested I use anti-depressants, which I was not comfortable with. A friend of mine recommended Your Life Lady Eve as ladies were having ...

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Ada Louw, Windhoek
Ada Louw, WindhoekMenopause, Osteoperosis, Memory Loss
I start using Your Life vitamins when I was in my mid-thirties, I suddenly started getting extreme hot flushes.  After several visits to different doctors, they could not found any problems and all of them informed me that I am too young to be in menopause.  I started using Lady Eve together with Vitamin, Mineral & Herb.  Within ...

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