Green Coffee Bean R280 160PV


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Green Coffee Bean


  • Increases metabolic rate and lowers and regulates blood sugar levels
  • Prevents sugar cravings
  • Prevents the body absorbing fats in our foods
  • Potent antioxidant helping the body break down cellulite and stubborn fat
  • Reduces blood fat levels reducing cholesterol
  • Reduces and regulates blood pressure
  • Good for liver and brain health


Green Coffee Bean 95% Extract boasts high levels of chlorogenic acid, a polyphenol antioxidant that increases fat loss by reducing and blocking the absorption of fat and glucose in the intestine and thereby lowering insulin levels to improve metabolic function and lowering cholesterol levels. It also contains naturally occurring caffeine which stimulates the metabolism.

Green Tea 95% Extract also contains polyphenol antioxidants making it great for heart, liver and kidney health. It contains catechins which have been found to lower cholesterol and help control blood sugar levels.

Both Green Coffee Bean and Green Tea Extracts help with fatty liver disease.

CAUTION: This product contains naturally occurring caffeine. Use with care if you have a caffeine sensitivity.


90 Capsules

Recommended Use:

  • WEIGHT LOSS: 1 to 2 capsules 3 times per day with meals.
  • CARDIO CARE: 1 capsule in morning and evening with meals


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