It is essential to take in balanced nutrition daily. We do not get sufficient nutrition from our food due to the processing of foods, heating in microwave ovens and the use of pesticides on our crops.
Balanced nutrition is essential for growth and cell regeneration in our bodies. Poor nutrition leads to a gradual “starving” of the body and causes us to binge eat and overeat. This starving leads to poor sleep patterns, general fatigue, faster ageing, poor immune systems and eventually diseases that could have been averted.
Another huge factor in nutrient depletion is stress. Emotional stress causes our bodies to use certain nutrients faster than others and stress also prevents the digestive system from absorbing nutrients. Supplements are therefore essential for good health. Vitamin, Mineral & Herb provides all the nutrients our bodies need in perfect balance.
Your Life’s Vitamin, Mineral & Herb is a combination of 22 vitamins and minerals, 6 amino acids, plant phytosterolins, spirulina and adaptogenic herbs that improve absorption of nutrition and speed up the metabolic rate
Using this product leads to:
more energy
better concentration
improved sleep patterns
stabilises the appetite
Improves general well-being
Key Ingredients:
Vitamins and Minerals are essential to cell regeneration
Amino Acids form proteins that are needed for the body to function properly from brain function to muscle function and cell regeneration.
Betasitosterol is a plant phytosterolin that balances the bodies hormones. It can reduce cholesterol and improve the metabolic rate.
Spirulina is a complete protein and provides all the essential amino acids.
Bioperine increases the metabolism
Recommended Use:
General Health Tonic – 2 Capsules in morning with meal
Weight Loss – 1 to 2 Capsules 3 times per day with meals
Colds/Flu – 2 Capsules 3 times per day with meals
HIV/AIDS – 2 Capsules 3 times per day with meals. Must use Fight It and Fibre with Probiotics.
90 Capsules
Tokkie Henrico, PiketbergImmune Support and Arthritis
I started with Your Life in 1997. I had malaria and was completely bedridden. I could not even lift my arms to take a drink of water.I started using the Vitamin, Mineral & Herb, Cell Regenerator and Gingko Biloba. Within two weeks I was up and about, my colour had returned. The doctor’s could not believe the ...
Friedel Eksteen started with the Your Life Weight Loss programme and had this to say after just 11 days on the programme: “Ek het 2 kg verloor in 11 dae. Ek eet al drie etes maar voel nie heeltyd honger en lus vir tussenin eet nie. Ek het vir Hannes ook gegee hy is baie in sy skik voel baie ...
Dear Your Life, I just want to tell you how fantastic the Your Life products are. Late Tuesday afternoon, I went looking for Willie, my husband in the garden and as I opened my mouth to speak, my voice was gone. I realized that this is the beginning of the flu and immediately started with 3 Fight Ittablets, 3 ...
Sheree S, Western CapeLower Back Injury | Core Nutrients
In the middle of April 2017 I accidentally tore a disk in my lower back. I experienced immense pain and a great amount of discomfort in my back and legs due to the bulging of the torn disk. I drank boxes of pain pills and anti-inflammatories to no avail. Six weeks after the incident my physiotherapist informed me that my back ...
Samuel (11 years old) has suffered with ongoing sinus for the last year. The doctors say that it is the area we live in, it has a high pollen count and that it will just have to be managed with anti histamines. I have not been comfortable with continuously giving my child medication to keep the sinus under control. It ...
Joyce Namuhuja, WindhoekHigh Blood Pressure and Stress
"I am a new person." Since 1986 I have been suffering from high blood pressure (Hypertension). I was treated by a specialist for many years and he told me I would be on medication for the rest of my life. My blood pressure was uncontrollable. Sometimes I had to be admitted to hospital. A friend of mine,Kitty, who is a member ...